Moms of Neurodiverse Kiddos: Post 5/8 "Responding to Sensory Overload”

Dec 05, 2023

Let's talk about sensory sensitivities – those quirks that can make neurodiverse kids unique and sometimes a bit overwhelmed. Sensory sensitivities are like having superpowers, but sometimes those superpowers can feel like kryptonite. Bright lights, loud noises, strong smells, touchy textures – these everyday things can send kids into sensory overload, like a mini-meltdown or a full-blown tantrum.

Sensory overload can be particularly challenging for neurodiverse kids, as their brains may struggle to filter out extraneous information and maintain a sense of calm. This can look like meltdowns, tantrums, withdrawal, or avoidance. Understand that if your child is avoiding something or having a meltdown, they may be stuck in sensory overload, a state of intense discomfort and stress caused by overwhelming sensory input.

But fear not, moms! We can help kids navigate this sensory rollercoaster and thrive in their neurodiverse world.

Understanding Sensory Needs

Before delving into strategies for supporting neurodiverse kids in sensory overload, it's essential to observe and listen to your child's cues to identify their specific sensory needs. Here are some signs to watch for:

  • Changes in behavior or mood
  • Tightened muscles
  • Rapid breathing
  • Flushed face
  • Fidgeting or restlessness
  • Avoidance of certain activities or environments

Creating a Sensory-Friendly Environment

One of the most effective ways to support neurodiverse kids in sensory overload is to create a sensory-friendly environment at home and in other settings. This involves identifying and reducing sensory triggers and incorporating elements that provide comfort and regulation. Here are some tips for creating a sensory-friendly environment:

Control lighting: Bright lights or harsh glares can be overwhelming for some sensory-sensitive individuals. Adjusting lighting to a more comfortable level, using dimmers or lamps, or incorporating natural light can be helpful.

Manage noise levels: Loud noises can be particularly disruptive for neurodiverse kids. Consider using sound-proofing materials, playing white noise or calming music, or establishing quiet time zones in the house.

Control smells: Strong or unpleasant smells can also trigger sensory overload. Avoid using strong perfumes, cleaning products, or air fresheners, and consider using air filters or essential oils with calming scents.

Address textures: Certain textures, such as rough fabrics or tags in clothing, can be overwhelming for some kids. Offer options for clothing with soft, breathable fabrics and avoid tight-fitting or restrictive clothing.

Provide sensory tools: Provide access to sensory tools, such as fidget toys, weighted blankets, stress balls, or bubble wrap, that can help kids self-regulate and calm down.

Supporting Neurodiverse Kids in Sensory Overload

It's important to be aware of your child's sensory sensitivities and watch for signs of sensory overload. When you notice your child starting to feel overwhelmed, it's crucial to intervene promptly to prevent a full-blown meltdown. Here are some strategies for responding to sensory overload:

Create a Calm Space: Move to a quiet, dimly lit area: Removing your child from the overwhelming environment can help them calm down.

Offer Sensory Tools: Offer sensory tools: Encourage your child to use sensory tools to self-soothe.

Practice Deep Breathing: Guided breathing exercises can help your child relax and manage their emotions.

Offer a Break: Let them take a break from the situation and engage in a calming activity, like listening to music or reading.

Talk it Out: Once they're calmer, talk about what happened and how they felt, helping them develop coping strategies for future sensory overload moments.

As neurodiverse kids grow, it's important to help them develop self-awareness and coping skills to manage sensory overload independently. Teach them to recognize their sensory triggers and develop strategies for avoiding or managing them. For example, you can help them identify calming activities, such as listening to music, reading, or taking a sensory break.

Promoting Understanding and Acceptance

It's also essential to educate others about your child's sensory needs and encourage understanding and acceptance. Talk to teachers, caregivers, and other family members about your child's sensitivities and how they can best support them. Open communication and collaboration can help create a supportive environment for your neurodiverse child.

Remember, every neurodiverse kid is unique, with their own set of sensory needs and superpowers. You’re not alone in this journey. Support is here as you learn to help your child navigate the sensory rollercoaster and thrive in their own special way.

Michaela Zoppa, LPC, is a Clinical Therapist with Grace & Gratitude Counseling, a practice of women serving women in Downer's Grove, Illinois. GGC clinicians frequently work with moms and neurotypical sisters of children with neurodiversity challenges, as well as women and teen girls struggling with overthinking, toxic perfectionism, people-pleasing, and more. Book a free consultation today to get started! 



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