IFS-Informed EMDR Intensives

For women who need to go DEEPER than a weekly therapy session

Have you been dealing with a long-rooted trauma history, or have a Big Thing or Decision that you just can’t get past? Perhaps you have super activating symptoms and become overly dysregulated/hyper-emotional in “regular” therapy? Or maybe you’ve been trying really hard to work through major concerns in weekly counseling sessions, but it just isn’t going deep enough, or fast enough to help?

This doesn’t mean you’re “incurable” or that your problems are too big to solve. Usually, it means you just happen to have a type of concern that would begin to heal more thoroughly and deeply using an intensified, advanced therapy approach. 

After all, weekly individual therapy is GREAT but it has some inherent limitations (like time constraints) that can create barriers to deep healing.

For example, how many times in therapy have you felt on the verge of a breakthrough just as it's time to wrap up for the hour? Has it ever felt like you spend more time "catching up" and filling your therapist in on your past week that you don't have enough time to get into the nitty gritty? Does it take you three sessions sometimes to FINALLY put your finger on that underlying thing that's really been bothering you?

It's time to go deeper.

How often have you wished you could spend just one more hour, or a whole afternoon, with a therapist who can help you unburden and create shifts in your life?


What the heck is an intensive, anyway?

We're so glad you asked. An intensive is a way to format your therapy experience in longer chunks of time, at an increased frequency, using trauma-informed therapy modalities proven to go deeper and faster than traditional talk therapy methods.

Most people attend therapy in weekly, hour-long sessions - but, truly, this is an insurance-driven healthcare model for neatly packaging up the therapy experience. It doesn't have to be this way!

With a longer session duration, and sessions occurring closer together during your intensive, you’ll make progress in a much deeper and broader way that leads to fast and long-lasting change.

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How long are intensives?

It depends! Clients interested in intensive therapy will schedule a free consultation session with us to determine their need and develop a plan for their customized intensive.

If you choose to move forward with an intensive, you will have a 90 minute Intake Session with your therapist. About a week later, you will have your Intensive. Finally, about a week after your intensive, you will meet with your therapist for a final 90 minute follow-up session fully integrate your experience.

For some, this may look like a one-off 3 hour/half day intensive to focus on processing a particular traumatic memory or do a deep dive into working with a part of yourself in need of exploration. For others, intensive work may be customized to span 1, 2, or 3 days of half or full day sessions broken into 1.5 - 3 hour chunks.

We typically recommend our one half-day package, or our three half-days package; plans and pricing will be discussed during your free consultation.

Your intensive will be customized to your needs, goals, and window of tolerance for deep processing work. 

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Let us count the whys!

✓ You've been searching for an IFS-Informed EMDR therapist, only to be met with months-long waitlists and limited availability. Intensives offer the opportunity to plug in to a specialized, advanced-level therapist's schedule without needing to wait for a weekly, recurring time block to open up. Yay!

✓ A short term, committed chunk of time may be easier for you to work into YOUR busy schedule - especially if you're a working mom, executive, or teacher, or any other woman with a hugely demanding lifestyle, like many of our clients.

✓ You'd rather get right to the point than spend the beginnings of sessions reviewing the past week's highs and lows or updating your therapist on your progress since last session. With an intensive, you can skip the review and jump right into the work.


How we blend two advanced level therapy modalities for maximum impact

About EMDR

Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, is a widely used processing modality known for its fast results and target-focused sessions. It is said that one EMDR session can help you process as much as 8 traditional talk therapy sessions. EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to help you process specific memories and experiences, shifting negative beliefs into positive, adaptive beliefs. In doing so, you will become more regulated and less triggered.

About IFS

A modality unlike any other, Internal Family Systems, or IFS, is one of the most creative, open-ended, and effective therapies available. Everyone has parts of themselves active within - perhaps including an Inner Child, Critical Parent voice, or a part you might call your Overachiever. IFS helps you magnify your understanding of these internal parts and unburden, shift, and heal wounded pieces of yourself that hold trauma memories or negative beliefs. 

IFS-Informed EMDR

Our intensive therapists have received advanced training in the blending of these two evidence-based modalities to offer a unique experience you're not likely to find elsewhere. During your intensive, your therapist will expertly weave parts work and bilateral stimulation together, shifting parts from extreme to more regulated roles as they learn to let your higher, wiser Self take the helm - often unburdening young, wounded parts of yourself (and their memories) along the way.

Ready to book your intensive?

Start with a free consultation with one of our Intensive trained therapists to determine if an intensive is right for you. If so, we’ll help you with each step, from logistics/scheduling to the therapeutic focus of your intensive.

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Grace & Gratitude Counseling, PLLC

Counseling. Speaking. Training & Workshops.

1401 Branding Avenue

Suite 345

Downer's Grove, IL 60515

(331) 254-4464

[email protected]

Teletherapy available throughout Illinois

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